When Bush first walked in, everybody was cheering him on as if he's just got the United States out of debt. This man hasn't done anything good since he took office. He's had the lowest approval ratings ever since the ratings were recorded. However, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, et cetera were all clapping this man on. That disgusts me.

Bush was acting as if the next President is going to follow in the footprints of him. After eight years of a conservative President, the polls have shown that America is ready for a more progressive commander-in-chief. With less than a year to go in his Presidency, Bush will probably be looked at as a lame duck.
The Election Day is coming closer and closer. I haven't written about Obama winning South Carolina, so I'll take the time to do it know. If things go the way they have gone, Obama will probably be elected as the President. He has the most delegates. When he wins, he wins big. When he loses, it's not my much. What I'm worried about is if a vote fraud is going to erupt. I was very disappointed when nobody did a thing after the 2000 election. I find it long overdue that the Democrats just started to garner more support a year ago. That should have happened long ago.
One thing that was a hot topic was that Obama didn't acknowledge Hillary, Hillary didn't acknowledge Obama, etc. I am here, scratching my head, wondering why people were even talking about this. Do you really think that whether Hillary and Obama acknowledge each other is going to affect how they will govern this nation? I could care less whether they acknowledge each other.
George W. Bush hasn't done anything right these past seven years and nothing changed since his State of the Union speech. Bush said that the U.S. will fight the enemy until it is defeated. The question is how many lives is Bush going to give up and how much money he is willing to waste fighting for a lost cause.
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