I would like to start out by sending my condolences to Heath Ledger's family. Ledger, 28, was at the height of his career. To die for something so pointless is very tragic. He has a two year-old daughter, and I can only imagine what she is going through.
Moving on, there has been a study done by the Center for Public Integrity and its affiliates. This study concluded that George W. Bush and seven of his cronies on his staff made 935 false statements about Iraq and their alleged weapons of mass destruction. This study is clear evidence that this man and his administration need to be impeached. In the words of the study's authors, Mark Reading-Smith and Charles Lewis, "In short, the Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003."
When someone leads a nation to war, lies about it 935 times, and now wants to continue to keep it dragging along, wouldn't you want that person to be impeached? This is appalling and bewildering. Instead of waiting until 2009 for a President to be inagurated, why not eradicate these lies now? The impeachment of Bush has been long overdue.
The self-proclaimed "greatest rapper alive", Lil Wayne, was just released from the Yuma County Jail for three felony drug charges. Him and his cronies were on a tour bus in Arizona and got pulled over at a checkpoint. Lil Wayne allowed the police to search his car with a canine. A plethora of drugs were found. Officials also found a .40-caliber pistol registered to "Weezy". Officials are looking into whether he violated any weapons laws in Arizona.

Lil Wayne thought he was so untouchable, but what really got me pissed off was what Dr. Phil is trying to do. Dr. Phil is with the campaign to stop sagging pants. With all of that money and publicity, the best Dr. Phil can do is to go after sagging pants? To go after people for having their pants baggy is so pathetic. Is he too scared to go after gang violence? Is he too scared to go after meth use? Is he too scared to go after racism? Is he too scared to go after his President?
These people think that he knows something because they have a "Dr." in front of their name or because they have their own show. Everybody knows what he's going to say. "You need to stop playing the victim for your own shortcomings. If it didn't work for you before, why would it work for you now?" I just did what Dr. Phil does and I'm not even a doctor.
Today is the South Carolina primaries for the Democrates. If there are any South Carolinians reading this, I encourage you to go vote. Apparently, many predict that Obama will come away with a victory, party because African-Americans make up about half of South Carolina's electorate. Edwards is in dire need of a win in the state he won four years ago.
If this becomes more and more like a two-person race, Edwards may have to drop out. Obama's campaign could probably be the benefactor of Edwards dropping out, as many of his votes will shift to Obama. Nonetheless, Obama could use a victory in South Carolina to put Hillary Clinton in the rear-view mirror after she won in New Hampshire and Michigan.
Stay tuned to see who will win in South Carolina. Have a good weekend, everybody.
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