Super Tuesday is getting closer and closer, and the candidates are racking up endorsements and drawing in crowds as they criss-cross the country before the largest single-day delegate grab.
Of course, the pot of gold is California. Oprah Winfrey, a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama, will be in Los Angeles on Sunday. Oprah has the uncanny ability to draw crowds from people who might not be interested in politics. Having Oprah on the campaign trail bodes well for Obama. In addition, the L.A. Times, one of the most-read newspapers in the United States, endorsed Obama. This all points to Barack possibly grabbing the 370 delegates. However, Clinton has been a longtime favorite in Califorina. At this point, it's too close to call.
In New York and New Jersey, the advantage clearly goes to Hillary Clinton, barring any sudden turnaround. This makes things difficult for Obama, as he has to pick up several states in order to cut even with Clinton or take a slight advantage.
Illinois is probably going to be in the bag for Obama. I used the word "probably" because it could still be up in the air, especially considering Illinois is Clinton's birthplace. However, Illinois is Obama's Senate base. Assuming Barack takes Illinois, it would be his biggest big-state win.
Massachusetts and Missouri are any body's guess. Count on Clinton and Obama heavily courting those two states.
Connecticut, Georgia, and Alabama all could go Barack's way. Of the three states, I would say Connecticut is the one that is susceptible to a Clinton surge. Meanwhile, I would expect Obama to grab a hold of Georgia and Alabama.
Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Arkansas are states that Obama will do very poorly in. Clinton will definitely have these in the bag. Kansas, a caucus state, is up for grabs, but Obama is hoping the fact that his mother was born in Kansas can help him there.
Overall, I do not anticipate a clear-cut winner coming out on Wednesday. Clinton is still slightly ahead in the Gallup polls, and Obama must either win or come close in order to stay in the race. However, the longer this race goes on, the more it favors Obama. Obama has the money and the momentum going his way.
If Obama takes the majority of the states on Super Tuesday, it immediately brings back the hemorrhage that Clinton suffered after Obama cleaned her clock in South Carolina -- except a much, much, larger hemorrhage. After being ahead by 20% in the polls, Obama coming all the way back, and being put in the rear-view mirror, Clinton's downhill run on Super Tuesday could be one of the most astounding in recent history. Which is why Clinton is going to do everything in her power to stop that from happening.
Quote of the Day: "If by a "liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a liberal. - John F. Kennedy.
Influential Video of the Day: "Yes We Can" Song
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