If Ohio and Texas hadn't already been viewed as must-win states for Senator Hillary Clinton, they certainly should be viewed as such now. Senator Barack Obama was able to increase his winning streak to 10 consecutive state-wins, with victories over Wisconsin and Hawaii last night.
On the Republican side, John McCain has won in Wisconsin, and all but locked up his position as the Republican nominee for the 2008 election. What I thought was pretty interesting was what McCain said in his victory speech. While not mentioning Obama's name, he did refer to battling against "an eloquent but empty promise" and mentioned the "confused leadership of an inexperienced candidate."
Confused leadership? Is that what McCain is talking about as an attack of Obama. He is the one that saw this "threat" in Iraq and took it the wrong way. In fact, he would want to stay in Iraq for 100 more years and has a strange fetish to bomb Iran. I know some people are saying that the surge is working. The violence in Iraq has gone from intolerable to insufferable back to intolerable. Sorry Johnny, but that isn't progress in my book. To say that you want to continue in a War that has cost us billions of dollars and thousands of Americans lives for 100 years is just ludicrous.
Speaking of speeches, there has been a lot of criticism coming Barack Obama's way for reportedly taking phrases of Governor Deval Patrick's speeches during his run in Massachusetts. I could care less if Obama is intertwined in this phraseology with the Governor of Massachusetts. What people should really be talking about is repairing this nation in which its economy and politics are in dire need of saving.
Most news stations report Obama with an approximate lead of about 60 delegates or so above Hillary at the moment. A lot of columnists have praised Obama's campaign, calling it breathtaking and amazing. These same columnists are suggesting that it would not be premature to write off Hillary in the election. As much as I would like to believe this, this election is far from over. If Clinton takes Texas and/or Ohio, she'll be right back in the driver's seat. This is the exact same thing people were saying before New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton is still very much in the race and don't scratch her off yet.
Even if Obama continues this wave of momentum, he will probably not receive the 2,025 delegates needed to grab the nominee. The Democratic nomination will probably be decided by the superdelegates, most of whom are still with Clinton. If superdelegates were completely out of this election, it would be a possibility to count Clinton out. A possibility.
Michelle Obama, Barack's husband, has been getting some heat for saying that she is proud of her country for the first time. She shouldn't be getting all of this scrutiny. I'm proud of my country for the first time too. We finally have someone running for President who wants to change things. Show me something in recent years that my country has done to make me proud. Other than the Olympics, music artists, sports figures, and some people in our community, there is nothing this government has done to make me proud over the past seven years. Show me something that our President has done to make me proud. Show me something, and I'll be proud of it.
Fidel Castro has resigned from office and left the head office to his brother. I know that many people in Cuba have been riddled under this dictatorship, and Castro is finally gone. He was in office for just nine months short of 50 years. Could you imagine 50 years of George W. Bush in office? This must be a big sigh of relief for all Cubans and I wish them well on their future endeavors.
The primaries in Ohio and Texas are looming upon us, and this is one to watch. Clinton is in a must-win situation, and expect her to work tirelessly in these two states to try to win. Obama should not get complacent with these wins. However, tonight is Shaq's debut as a Phoenix Sun against one of his former teams, the L.A. Lakers. I will be blogging on both the Suns and the Heat from now on to try to diversify my writings, and to give me a chance to blog about the happenings in the Wild Wild West.
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