In October, Britney Spears lost her kids to Kevin Federline and they went back and fourth. The media was covering this story as if we really care about that. Another story was that George W. Bush got $10 billion more dollars to aid the surge in Iraq. It is ridiculous how much the United States is in debt. And our children and grandchildren are going to pay this off over what has been a lost cause. Since the War began, we have lost 3,902 American lives. Since the "Mission Accomplished" speech, there have been 3763 Americans dead. Since the capture of Saddam, there have been 3441 deaths. All of these facts are from If you don't believe me, go see for yourself.
Later in the year, there was a mall shooting in Omaha. As I've said before, we have to reach out to our youth. However, what has been gaining all of the media coverage nowadays is that Britney Spears' sister got pregnant at 16 and now people are saying "Oh my god. How are you going to tell your kids that Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant?" We've got Americans dying in an unjust war and media coverage is focusing on Britney Spears' sister getting pregnant? Where are the Americans' priorities at?
I am also hearing that Chris Stokes is molesting some kids on B2K or something like that. We can't have child molester running around in the streets. If this is not true, we are going to have to check the source, but if it is true, then this man has got to be brought to justice. This cannot be taken lightly because one must pose the question, "What if it was your kid? Would you allow him to run the streets?"
A very sad thing that happened in 2007 was that there were a lot of deaths this past year. It started off with Anna Nicole Smith in February. It was sad how the media covered it because all she did was be herself and the media tried to turn it into a comical story for the funny-pages. Ike Turner, Evil Kenivel, Diego Corrales, Bill Pinkney and Sean Taylor all passed away this year as well.
One death that was very unnecessary was the passing of Donda West. That woman should still be with us today. It is very unfortunate that Kanye West had to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas without his mother. Staying in the Hip-Hop world, Pimp C also passed away, a rapper of the Underground Kings label.

Last but certainly not least, Yolanda King, the eldest of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s children, passed away. Yolanda King advocated stroke awareness and gay rights. King died very young, at the age of 51, so make sure she is in your prayers.
This has been one hell of a year. 2008 will be a very important year. It's an election year. Politicians are trying to vote in new laws that are going to take away our Constitutional rights. If you haven't checked it out already, research H.R. 1955 or S. 1959. Everyone was sleeping in '07, including myself. We have to wake up. It's time to flip the script.
I am going to have a lot of surprises for you in '08, so make sure you stay tuned. I would like to personally wish that you have a happy new year, and have fun. I look forward to talking to you in 2008. Thank you for making this year be a great year for this website, and hopefully there will be many more.
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