Friday, December 21, 2007

New Beginnings

Heya folks! If you're a big enough fan of the Miami Heat, you'll probably know me as Diego on the official Heat Message Boards. I've also kept a blog on the Heat on another web site, but I was compelled to move for a few reasons:
First, and perhaps most importantly, my old blog didn't allow readers to post their own comments. Surely, over the years, I've received emails from a few dedicated fans, and we've been able to discuss our favorite basketball team. But now, with comments, it is much easier to post a short thought that everyone can see.
Second, thanks to Blogger I can now archive old posts. This is extremely beneficial to both myself and readers who can read up on old posts of mine.
Of course, Blogger provides many other benefits, and I couldn't possibly name them all. But I'm confident that this decision is a step in the right direction.

On another note, the content of this blog will probably change from being almost entirely about the Miami Heat, to including topics about politics, and maybe even a few personal posts.
Anyways, I appreciate the continued support, and I hope you enjoy reading this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog Diego